Amanda has been an artist for over 30 years, and her specific interests in art are concept designs of characters, especially that of aliens, monsters, and creatures. She also loves making character illustrations, making art for voice actors, and Amanda focuses on the use of color and lighting, as well as character body movements and facial expressions as these can all tell a story with deep meaning.These days, Amanda resides with her husband and their two cats, Beethoven and Elise, in south Louisiana. She focuses on taking care of her health and family first, but she enjoys being able to make art for others, when possible, whether it be for voice actors, for fun, charity projects, friends and more.Although she is unable to do many activities these days, or work, due to disabilities with several disorders such Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, dysautonomia, mast cell activation and more, she is persistent in all she does and is a go getter. She is very thankful to have family, friends, mutuals and followers who support her in all she does as she strives to do her best every day.Most days, Amanda enjoys playing video games and watching movies with her family on her free time, as well as writing. And, when she gets the chance, Amanda loves teaching medical professionals and others about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and related disorders in hope that she may help bring more attention to and get better treatment for this underdiagnosed and often misdiagnosed genetic disorder.If you'd like to learn more about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and its common comorbid disorders, click the button below!

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome